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Clip on Fan


Fans are an incredibly important parts of growing cannabis indoors, as they help to distribute all of the fresh air coming in through your air filtration system, while stopping any pockets of stagnant air from forming.

Cooking with Cannabis


Brief summary of the eBook content: Set Your Daily Cannabis Infused Menu from Breakfast to Dessert.
Highlights of key sections or recipes: Learn how to make the basics like butter and oil and move on to your daily menu planning.
Benefits of purchasing the eBook: Recevie one of kind daily cannabis recipe menu planning.

The Cannabis Grow Bible


The Cannabis Grow Bible fully explains both the art and science behind growing high-grade pot. Author and aficionado Greg Green blends a thorough understanding of marijuana botany with practical advice on coping with the day-to-day demands of maintaining a high-yield garden, and offers proven methods that maximize both yield and potency. Fully updated and illustrated in full color, and with techniques for both indoor and outdoor cultivation, this comprehensive guide covers everything growers need to know, including how to select the best plant genetics, soil and hydroponic grows, dealing with pests and predators, advanced systems and breeding, and protecting the crop from nosy neighbors. It also explains the “Screen of Green” technique that gives a higher yield using fewer plants. Green’s easy-to-follow instructions and the accuracy, breadth, and depth of information presented benefit newbies and professional gardeners alike.